Thursday, April 15, 2010

Still working!

:D Thanks for all the love guys, I enjoy all your blogs and will be more responsive a little after thesis week! I'll be commenting all over blogs this weekend anyways, but just wanted to say ~HELLO~ before just posting more artwork and running away. > w >

Still working on things. Work work work. :B Anyways, yeah, here is Elle waking up from her trinket box bed and finding no one there, where did her creator go? As she wanders through her home she discovers it is in ruin and finds this giant creature rummaging through the place, attaching everything to itself. ACTION ENSUES.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Some WIPS!

More process work of Elle's room~~ Here she is as she wakes up from her trinket box bed~

When she was younger, she befriended a child who traded drawings with her.

Also, I made something animooted! :B